Light computer and money handling experience.
Salary: $460.00 a week.
Immediate hires for Medical assistants, front and back office, and more.
Salary: $12.00 t0 $15.00 hr. Plus Benefits
All phases of gaming jobs. Some will train.
Military or related experience. Great benefits and raises.
Salary: $12-$15.00 hr. w/ full benefits.
Must have bachelors degree; or 5 years related experience.
Salary: Up to 80K a year.
Must have a B.S degree and customer service experience.
Salary: 32K to 45K
We receive orders for personnel on a daily basis. The positions above are consistently available throughout Las Vegas. We recommend you submit a resume, or at least fill out the contact form for the latest information. Also, you would always be welcome to stop by our office or call us.
Restaurant Mgrs., Supervisors, servers, bartenders and more.
Will train someone that went to gaming school or multi-game dealer. Experience a big plus.
Salary: $14 - $16.50 per hour.
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